Kinygos Ltd

Building web applications and services for the enterprise

What can we do for you?

Kinygos provide software development services and consultancy to any company looking to build enterprise web applications. Based in the UK, we use the best open-source software to implement systems across a diverse range of sectors.

Our services

We specialise in building web services to replace legacy monolithic systems that have evolved of several years. We can help you plan the development of your system, help with architecture design, implement the service, measure and iterate after launch, and assist with the transition of maintenance to your own teams.

Best practice

We develop software using Scrum with BDD to ensure you get robust solutions with all the features and functionality you demand. We can provide coaching and support to help your business work effectively with Scrum. We can work on-site in the South East of England, or remotely with regular site visits.

Examples of software we have built

- highly configurable business workflow system
- multi-tenant pension administration system, replacing a 25 year old monolith
- user and contact management web services

Get in touch

Whatever stage you are at, we are always happy to talk.
Complete the form below or email us [email protected] and we will get back to you soon.

Kinygos Ltd, registered in England and Wales No. 7591681
VAT No. GB177978138

Photos sources via Unsplash

Kinygos Ltd

© Kinygos Ltd 2011. All rights reserved.